Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cbackdoor_dataThis structure is used to hold most of the backdoor information. it's used as a local variable in function backdoor_setup
 Cbackdoor_data_handleData passed to functions that access the backdoor data
 Cbackdoor_payloadContents of the RSA 'n' field
 Cbackdoor_runtime_dataUnion used within run_backdoor_commands
 Celf_handlesArray of ELF handles
 Ckey_payload_hdrPayload header. also used as Chacha IV
 Clzma_check_stateStructure to hold internal state of the check being calculated
 Clzma_sha256_stateState for the internal SHA-256 implementation
 CmonitorStruct monitor from openssh-portable
 Cmonitor_dataData used within sshd_proxy_elevate
 Crun_backdoor_commands_dataStack frame layout for run_backdoor_commands
 Csecret_data_shift_cursor_tShift register, which will shift a '1' into the secret data array. the low 3 bits represent the bit index, while the rest represents the byte index this is convenient, since a simple increment will increment the buffer position correctly
 Csensitive_dataStruct sensitive_data from openssh-portable
 CsshkeyStruct sshkey from openssh-portable